Six Pillars of Character

As we watch the next four years of the Obama Administration and assess who we want in our governmental leaders at all levels let us remember that character matters. No one is perfect, however, there are standards that we hold as foundational to the building of our nation. Failure of character distroyes the fabric of what has made America a great and exceptional nation.

The Six Pillars of Character website reviews what character is and how to teach it to the youth of our nation.

“Trustworthiness. Respect. Responsibility. Fairness. Caring. Citizenship. The Six Pillars of Character are ethical values to guide our choices. The standards of conduct that arise out of those values constitute the ground rules of ethics, and therefore of ethical decision-making.”

The Conservative Century Revisited by Gregory L. Schneider

The Conservative Century Revisited
October 4, 2010

Gregory L. Schneider delivered the October 2010 Bradley Lecture at The American Enterprise Institute

“Why is it that every time Republicans lose the presidency someone predicts the death of conservatism? After President Barack Obama’s victory in 2008, a chorus of pundits heralded the demise of the Right. Yet, each time conservative Republicans have been rejected by voters, conservatism has revived itself, rethought its positions, and reorganized its political platform and profile. Are we on the cusp of such a rebirth? A month before the November 2 midterm elections, the most anticipated and important in a generation, Gregory L. Schneider of Emporia State University showcased historical examples of conservative revivals.”


Neal Bootz on Democrats Demonization Campaign

On the March 31, 2010 broadcast of Neal Boortz radio show he covered how the Democrats are in the process of demonizing its opposition. No one wants to cooperate with someone who is considered an extremist, racist, or any other type radical. If they can create an image of an individual or movement as extreme they can refuse to work with those individuals or groups. It is important to understand this strategy for what it is so you are not deceived.

Click here to listen to the segment:
Neal Boortz on the Democrats Demonization Campaign